Expedite International Driving License

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When picking up the rented car abroad, you must present, in addition to the car rental voucher, your Israeli driver's license (valid and plastic) and in many destinations you will be asked to present a valid international driver's license.

Before you make all the necessary arrangements for renting a car abroad, you should check - is your Israeli driver's license valid?

If you find out that your driver's license is about to expire, you must go and pay the license fee immediately.
A temporary (paper) driver's license is not valid abroad and the arrival of the permanent license takes about two months from the moment the payment is made.

What can be done? 

An express license service was recently launched.
The service allows any citizen interested in this, and especially those who fly abroad and need to renew/duplicate a driver's license, to order a license on the website of the printing house that issues the driving licenses, Barry Printing: https://fastdl.co.il.

All the details are on the website of the Ministry of Transport and there is also an advertisement on the screens when booking an appointment in the licensing offices.


Please note:

The service is only possible when the renewal or duplication is paid online, and it will not be possible to order an expedited license when payment is made at the post office.
The renewal must be done on the website of the Ministry of Transportation.

Also - it is mandatory to place the order for the express license on the same day that the renewal order was placed, otherwise the license will automatically go out for normal delivery by mail (in this case, you will be required to order a duplicate again, and only then place the order for the delivery).

Ofran wishes you a safe and pleasant trip.

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